"Steven Campkin, Green Party candidate for Ashford, has been fully endorsed by
Protecting Animals in Democracy as the candidate to vote for to protect animals
in Ashford (http://www.vote4animals.org.uk)
Steve was the first candidate in Britain to respond to the campaign and the only
Ashford candidate that endorses all six points brought up by PAD:
1) Support the Hunting Ban,
2) Work for democratic reform on behalf of animals,
3) Support a Full Ban on battery cages for hens and prohibit de-beaking,
4) Support the reduction and elimination of animal experimentation,
5) Support the repeal of Section 24 of the 1986 Act and the application of
Freedom Of Information to animal experiments,
6) Support subsidies to sustainable forms of energy production that protect
animal welfare, and ensuring that biofuels (except true waste products) are not
supported through targets and incentives.
Steve said 'I am honoured to be endorsed by an organisation that works so hard
to protect animals, this really is a subject close to my heart and was one of the main reasons for getting involved with politics. When it came to deciding which party to join, the Green Party was the only logical choice."
Animal Rights in Kent (A.R.K.) will be hosting an information stall at the
Canterbury Climate fair on 15th - 16th May.
Committee 2024/5
a. *Co-Chairs * Roy Sandison and Beccy Sawbridge
b. *Deputy Chairs * Peter Murry,
c. *...
The Hunting Ban is a brilliant law and will definitely work, given time. We should always protect animals, endangered or not, and never, EVER promote a tradition which relies upon torture and old fashioned, ill-advised farming techniques. There is no place in our society for the promotion of this kind of violence and we should never support a party who are so blase about animal welfare.